An Early Spring for Deciduous Trees

An early start to spring is in the cards for trees in the continental United States.

According to an article from Planet Save, “new spring leaves might start to bud up to 17 days earlier in the coming century then they did prior to the current anthropogenic climate change.” This research is courtesy of a global warming study by Princeton University. With the increasing number of warmer days, research predicts that spring, particularly for trees, will have an earlier start than ever before.

It is estimated that in the next 100 years, the red maple will bud 8 to 40 days earlier than the average from the 20th century. The northern parts of the United States, especially Main, New York, Michigan, and Wisconsin, will see a greater change than the southern parts.

An Early Spring for Deciduous Trees at Cold Stream FarmThe red maple tree is commonly planted as an ornamental tree, part of a garden or landscape setting, due to its “ease of establishment, rapid growth, brightly colored flowers and fruit, and fall leaf colors displaying coloring during different seasons of the year.” In fact, the red maple tree is one of the easiest trees to grow or transplant, although it may not be the best choice for an urban setting. The red maple tree needs space and shade to grow, which is why it may not be the best choice for a street or lawn tree. (Source: USDA NRCS)

If you are interested in planting the red maple tree, contact Cold Stream Farm today for more information. We provide bare root seedlings and transplants, sold to both wholesale and retail suppliers.


*First image courtesy of Craig Hradel

*Second image courtesy of David Wagner