Trees Are Dying in California

It would be an understatement to say that it has been a rough few years for trees in America. In California alone, around 15 million trees have perished due to droughts and wild fires. It’s almost as if someone in the mob put a hit out on them!

Of course, California has a lot of problems on its plate that trees probably aren’t at the top of people’s concerns. They should be though, as they are an essential part of any ecosystem. For us to lead healthy lives, it is important for trees to maintain their, well, lives. The situation in California doesn’t seem poised to get any better though. We have to make the best of a bad situation, according to this article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

Steve Scauzillo writes, “This year alone, tree mortality rates in California’s national forests most likely will be higher than any other year since 2000 when aerial surveys began, said John Heil, U.S. Forest Service spokesman. […] When I talk to arborists, they remind me of vintners. Both talk about their craft as art, in almost poetic language. That’s because each tree, like each grapevine, is unique, special, precious – requiring different levels of care.”

That’s an apt comparison, conjuring up images of trees flowing like wine, us getting drunk on nature. That’s the way it should always be. Scauzillo argues that while the drought and wildfire situation in California is certainly dire for trees, we should take the time to learn more about trees, what works, what doesn’t; after all, they are in the spotlight!